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Verbs for Citations: Moving From Paraphrase to Summary

“Study A showed that …” “Study B showed that…” Have you ever wondered how verbs like show function in describing and summarizing previous studies when writing your literature review, and what alternative verbs are available for you to tell your research story? By focusing on the use of reporting verbs in published research articles, the facilitator will discuss citation strategies in literature review writing that help you to move away from sentence-level paraphrasing, to summarizing and synthesizing from the larger understanding of previous research.

Facilitator: Dr. Xuan Zhang, Centre for Writing and Scholarly Communication

Location: IKBLC, Level 3, Dodson Room and on Zoom. Registrants receive the Zoom link 1 day prior to the workshop.

Date & Time: September 25, 2024 – 10:00am-11:00am PT

The Centre for Writing and Scholarly Communication does not record workshops or share workshop slides.

Questions about this event? Please contact the Centre for Writing and Scholarly Communication: cwsc.info@ubc.ca.

Wednesday, September 25, 2024
10:00am - 11:00am
Irving K. Barber Learning Centre
  Doctoral     Faculty     Master's     Post-Doc     Undergraduate  
  Centre for Writing and Scholarly Communication  
Dr. Xuan Zhang

Registration is required. There are 23 in-person seats available. There are 25 online seats available.

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Dr. Xuan Zhang

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