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Abstracts: Communicating Research Findings With Brevity and Concision

Abstracts play a vital role in the communication of research. Studies show that abstracts are the most frequently read part of a research article: abstracts help researchers determine whether or not to read the entire study. But how do writers communicate the relevance and legitimacy of their research to members of the discipline, and beyond? This evidence-based workshop introduces two typical structures for abstracts, while accounting for differences in disciplines and purposes.

Facilitator: Dr. Patty Kelly, Centre for Writing and Scholarly Communication

Location: IKBLC, Level 3, Dodson Room and on Zoom. Registrants receive the Zoom link 1 day prior to the workshop.

Date & Time: November 27, 2024 – 10:00am-11:30am PT

The Centre for Writing and Scholarly Communication does not record workshops or share workshop slides.

Questions about this event? Please contact the Centre for Writing and Scholarly Communication: cwsc.info@ubc.ca.

Wednesday, November 27, 2024
10:00am - 11:30am
Irving K. Barber Learning Centre
  Doctoral     Faculty     Master's     Post-Doc  
  Centre for Writing and Scholarly Communication  
Dr. Patty Kelly

Registration is required. There are 25 in-person seats available. There are 41 online seats available.

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Dr. Patty Kelly

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