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Learning R: Subsetting and Filtering Data

Join us on an exciting journey into the world of data with our introductory workshops! Tailored for newcomers with little to no experience in R or other scripted tools, we offer a low-barrier entry to unleash your computer’s potential for data mastery, moving beyond Excel or SPSS. Join us and discover the power of data in a user-friendly, script-driven environment!

This session will explore the variety of ways that data can be filtered and subset in R. Working with data frames and vectors, data frames, and lists, participants will learn the nuances of extracting portions of a larger data set for analysis.

By the end of this session, participants will be proficient in extracting observations, variables, and values from their data and be aware of when attributes of the extracted data will be lost or maintained for further analysis.

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This workshop qualifies for the Scholarly Research, Writing, and Publishing Credential offered through the College of Graduate Studies.

Questions? Contact the Centre for Scholarly Communication at csc.ok@ubc.ca.

Thursday, October 24, 2024 Show more dates
2:00pm - 3:00pm
LIB 111
Okanagan Library
  Doctoral     Faculty     Graduate  

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