The following room booking policies and procedures are for the group study rooms available in the Law Library. The purpose of these policies and procedures is to set expectations, ensure fairness and optimize limited room resources. These policies and procedures will continue to be reviewed to ensure they meet the needs of UBC’s Allard School of Law students.
The Library reserves the right to delete bookings that are found to be in violation of the following:
1. Bookings require a minimum group of 3 or more current UBC Allard School of Law students (up to allowable room capacity).
2. A group (not each member of a group) may book a room for up to 2 hours per day.
3. A group (not each member of a group) may book a room for up to three times a week.
4. A group (not each member of a group) may book a room for up to 21 days in advance.
5. Rooms are only available when the Law Library is open.
6. Groups who are more than 10 minutes late forfeit their booking.
7. Rooms are to be used in compliance with the Law Library Food and Drink Policy.
8. Do not move the furniture.