
Equipment Catalog

   Showing 31 result(s)

Base ten blocks (bin 1)
Base ten blocks (bin 2)
BBC Micro:bit
Breakout EDU kit
Cloudbit starter kit
Cube-a-link (bin 1)
Cube-a-link (bin 2)
Dash+Dot Robots (Dash)
Dash+Dot Robots (Dot)
Education Library story workshop kit (No. 1)
Geoboards (bin 1)
Geoboards (bin 2)
Makedo Discover: Cardboard Construction System
Makey makey
Meet k8: Modular Robotics Kit
Micro:bit: Pinnguaq learning from the land
Needle Felting Kit 1
Needle Felting Kit 2
Osmo: genius kit
Ozobot Bit
Ozobot Evo Starter-Pack
Pattern blocks (bin 1)
Pattern blocks (bin 2)
Robot counters
Sphero SPRK+
Squishy Circuits Hardware
Taylor Mali's Metaphor dice: roll, write, repeat
VR Viewer Headsets (set of 5)
VR Viewer HMD v2
Weaving maker kit
Wool & drop spinning kit